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We’d love to connect! Learn more about owning a Little Kickers franchise from our award-winning team of experts. No obligation. Just information!

various child images

Why It Works

Low Overhead

  • No need to build or own a field or facility 

Captive Audience

  • We take our program into the community, delivering our product in leisure centres, sports halls, parks, schools and nurseries

Established Support

  • Our franchisees are backed by robust support in operations, marketing, sales, technology, coaches training and more

How It Works

Two coaches talking

Recruit Coaches

Leverage Indeed and other job-sourcing tools to reach university students, teachers, stay-at-home parents and other applicants.

parent high fiving child

Build Relationships

Use marketing and sales materials from Little Kickers Franchising to build awareness at nurseries, schools and community locations.

child thumbs up

Host a Free Football Day

Using materials provided by Little Kickers, promote and host a taster session (free football day) at a location. 


Enrol Children

Use Little Kickers proprietary online enrolment site. 

child scoring a goal

Deliver The Experience

Provide the best 30-45 minutes of a child’s week through FUN, age-appropriate curriculum.

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